Real Estate Marketing Trends in 2017

We are more than halfway through 2017 and have already seen some new and improved Real Estate Marketing trends. If you haven’t already incorporated these marketing trends into your Real Estate business, now is the time to catch up! 

Today we are going to highlight the four most popular trends hitting the Real Estate market to help keep you in the loop. Ready? Let’s get started! 

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1.Streaming LIVE & Video Marketing

By now you have probably heard the terms “streaming” or going LIVE on Facebook or Instagram. These social platforms have truly made it easier than ever to create live video events with your audience. Personally, I think the best part about going live on any social network is the opportunity to organically connect with your followers and consumers. This is the perfect tool to start a Q&A, answer business and personal life questions, or share some exciting news. 

At the bottom of every live video is a pop up for followers to type in any questions or comments throughout your video. This is an incredibly authentic way to connect with your audience! 

Real Estate agents all over the world have used this tool to their advantage by doing live virtual open houses or opening videos up to questions about their new listings. 

Click here to see some more creative ways to stream or go live to benefit your Real Estate business! 

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2.Powerful Content

According to Contactually, 448,800 tweets, 1,440 WordPress blog posts, and 500 Youtube videos go up every minute. So what makes yours so special? How do you diversify your content? 

Being able to personalize yourself with an interesting blog or powerful social media presence is one of the biggest marketing trends this year. New home buyers are looking for as much possible information about you, your style, and homes you’re selling. 

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Every post should have creative content that presents you as an expert in your community or of your Real Estate niche. Some ways to do this include….

-Get others involved! Reach out to others in your community, conduct interviews, feature guests, and anyone else that can add something different to your posts.

-ALWAYS have a captivating title. That’s your readers first impression and it has to be engaging. 

-Quality comes before quantity. Be informative in your posts, but make them short, sweet, and to the point. 

-Start Giveaways & Contests to gain more likes, comments, and followers. Get your community excited about your page! 

-Ask questions & follow up with “Tell us what you think in the comments!” Question posts get 100% more comments than standard text-based posts. 

marketing trends - questionsTo learn more about content marketing click here. 


3.Virtual & Digital Showings

“Online viewers are highly visual and want to see as much as they can about products–and especially real estate. That makes it more important than ever for real estate listings have excellent photography and presentation.” -Roberta Murp, Real Estate Agent Carlsbad, CA. 

Digital showings give buyers the freedom to navigate properties from home, visualize themselves living there, and get the information they need without scheduling a showing. This isn’t just a trend in Real Estate marketing. Virtual showings will soon become a listing standard as they are becoming more and more popular. 

Listen to Re/Max Realtor Brandon Doyle discuss the future of digital showings here. 

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4.Boosts and Facebook Ads

Fifty six percent of those who have used Facebook ads have reported that it’s resulted in more real estate business for them. Boosting your posts is an easy way to ensure more people see your posts. This marketing trend has been proven extremely effective time and time again. Especially when you gain more practice targeting the right audiences for each of your posts. 

Here’s a basic how-to to get started boosting your Facebook posts.

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These marketing trends are shaping the way agents run their Real Estate business. Some of these may require a little bit of an investment (new camera, boosting posts, etc.), but it’s well worth your money if it guarantees more business. 


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